Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fountain of Knowledge found at the library

Change was essential at this case as I sat alone, in my zone thinking what is it that I needed to do in order to maintain the change. Something new was at the peak of my nose but then I couldn't figure it out. As I sat in my room trying to study and prepare in advance for the final exams, for some reason I couldn't ponder to the books that were on the desk waiting to be read. I kept on drifting to old memories that showered my life and on the other hand I was busy checking my phone not knowing what exactly I was looking for in it.

I proceeded studying but another distraction occurred, I kept on yawning, I realised my body was tired but my mind was as fresh as the sun blistering in summer mornings. Something triggered my mind to stay focus or else go find a place where concentration will be at its best. The next minute I saw myself packing my books and heading straight to the library, this was not a bad idea after all because I enjoyed studying at the library with no uproar whatsoever.

The fountain of knowledge was indeed found at the library!